Excel in communicating efficiently (EXCEF)

Simplify the process of reaching millions of your recipients with EXCEF

A powerful tool that will help you to keep track of the Content that was sent and all the responses. You can also generate reports and study your audience behaviour, preferences inorder to improve your business .

Services We're Provided

We do all Creative Services

Integrate with our platform anywhere in the world to start engaging your customers by creating an personalized communication while monitoring their progress on the same platform.

Promotions and Campaigns

Segment your audience into different group and send a customized promotion/campaign messages based on their preferences, bahaviour or demographic information

Online survey

You can conduct an online survey to your customers and start monitoring their responses.

Integrate with any SMS provider

You can integrate any SMS provider i.e BIM Bulk SMS in our platform and opt to use any or all at anytime.

Generate custom reports

Generate customized wider range of reports extacted from communicated information together with the recipient’s biodata. Reports will be dynamically created depending on your needs.

Review & Approval cycle

The platform will guarantee the right message is being sent, after receiving approval from the top level.

Locking the approved content

Once the content is approved it will be locked to prevent future updates, and the proof of facts will always be the content that is on the Gateway servers since that will be the actual content sent to the user. This will guarantee the integrity and consistency of data that we store.

Customer support

What we will guarantee.

We will work hand on hand with you, to ensure everything work smoothly on your end.

Help with integration


Guarantee you have a smooth communication


Help with integration


Fast response


The SMS Cycle

These are few steps that you will take to ensure the right content is being sent


Content Creation

The content initiator will craft the text base on a specific theme/topic and save that text as a draft. It is also possible to put a schedule on when the SMS should be sent.


Submit Draft

Content creators can invite peers to comment on the message, this is especially necessary to allow team members to share inputs on the message.


Review & Approval

Approval of content will be done by people with that privilege. A content in review can either get an update request, a pass approval or it can completely be rejected. .


Locking the approved content

Aproved content will be locked to prevent future updates, and the proof of facts will always be the content that is on the Gateway servers. T


Sending SMS

Upon Approval and locking of the content, an SMS will automatically be packed and sent to the intended recipients. So, the approved content will automatically be placed in a send waiting list.


Connecting to the SMS Gateway

All SMS in the waiting list will be sent out automatically via SMS gateway based on their schedule which could be immediately or at a specific date and time.


Recipient response

All sent messages will keep track of the status, which will include the SENT status and DELIVERED status.The content will only be sent out if it gets a pass approval.

Choose Your Best Plan

You can opt to integrate our platform with your current SMS gateway provider or you can opt to use existing integrations that we offer. We have a flexible billing model and support multiple payment modes. Contact our sales team today for a quote that fits your needs.

Provided Services

* Intergrate with any SMS provider and Change a provider anytime

* Add multiple SMS providers

* Pay montly or per year

* Customer support

* Analyse your survey responses

* Retrieve real-time reports

Become a part of our bussiness community today

Start working with us to easly engage your customers anywhere around the glob.


Get In Touch

You can choose any media you want to reach us and we guarantee a realtime response

Main Office

P.O BOX 2647

Arusha, Tanzania

Phone & Email






Working Hours

Monday-friday: 9:00- 06:00